Students, Reading literacy, IndonesianAbstract
The learning carried out in schools aims to enable students to develop their abilities and potential. A teacher does not only convey some information in the form of teaching materials, so that it is not boring and is fun for students so that they can be active and innovative in carrying out the teaching and learning process and at the same time they can develop the skills that each student has. Researchers use quantitative descriptive research, as in this research, it will illustrate systematically, actually, and accurately related to the social phenomena to be studied, with the aim of describing in detail the facts and data listed. In this research, the research method used is the correlational research method, with the aim of finding out the relationship between the variables to be studied. In the results of the analysis that has been carried out, it is concluded that literacy has an influence on Indonesian language learning for fifth grade students at Wonolati State Elementary School. This effect can be observed through data analysis which begins with data processing through prerequisite tests, namely the normality test and data homogeneity test.Downloads
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