teaching strategies, 6th grade math, after the Covid-19 pandemicAbstract
The background of this research is the completeness of mathematics scores in class VI SD Negeri Sendangsari in the 2023/2023 academic year is low. In the initial test results or initial observations, the completeness of students' math scores was 41%, or 7 out of 17 students completed. Based on the results of the initial test, the teacher implemented a teaching strategy to government guidelines on the Merdeka Belajar Program. The math teaching strategy is implemented by developing the principle of developing numeracy skills. This type of research is descriptive research with data collection methods, namely observation and documentation studies. Observations were carried out to determine the implementation of teaching strategies for elementary school mathematics, while documentation studies were conducted to obtain data on students' math scores. Data processing uses the percentage technique. The percentage technique was used to get the percentage of mathematics learning completeness of grade VI students of SD Negeri Sendangsari. The results of the study obtained in the final test, the percentage of completeness of students in grade VI SD Negeri Sendangsari in learning mathematics is 82% or 14 out of 17 students are complete (reaching KKM). The final test was carried out after the researcher finished observing teaching activities using math teaching strategies for grade VI students of Sendangsari State Elementary School.Downloads
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