Inquiry Student Team Achievement Division (InSTAD), Hasil belajar, Self ConfidenceAbstract
The Inquiry Student Team Achievement Division (InSTAD) learning model on physics learning outcomes in terms of students' self-confidence . This type of research is quasi-experimental with a research design that is factorial design. The population of this study were all students of class XI IPA at SMAN 2 Gerung with the sampling technique using saturated sampling technique . Based on the research results, it was obtained that the average value of students' physics learning outcomes in the experimental class was 77.38 and the average value of learning outcomes in the control class was 72.22. The results of the study also obtained the average value of the self-confidence of students who were qualified into two categories, namely high self-confidence and low self-confidence. Based on the research results obtained in the experimental class there were 12 students with high self-confidence with an average of 68.92, and 9 students with low self-confidence with an average of 55.11. Whereas in the control class there were 7 students with high self-confidence with an average of 64.71, and 11 students with low self-confidence with an average of 56. The learning outcomes data were normally distributed and homogeneous. InSTAD learning model data, self confidence, and learning outcomes analyzed using the two-way ANOVA test at a significant level of 5% so that t count on the effect of the InSTAD learning model with learning outcomes of 67.09, t count on the effect of self-confidence on learning outcomes of 1.46, and t count on the interaction between models learning with self-confidence on learning outcomes of 3.44 with a t table value for the three treatments of 4.12. so based on these data it can be concluded that H 01 was rejected, H 02 was accepted, and H 03 was accepted.Downloads
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