
  • Yudi Wahyudi Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
  • Suherman Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
  • Mutia Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa



Pedagogical Leadership, Teaching Practices, Educational Change, Elementary Schools, Education.


The quality of education in elementary schools is influenced by pedagogical leadership that focuses on the professional development of teachers and the improvement of learning. School principals who implement this leadership encourage innovations in teaching, such as the use of new methods, technology, and teacher development, which positively impact teaching practices and create an environment that supports change. This study uses a qualitative approach with a literature review to understand the impact of pedagogical leadership on changes in teaching practices in elementary schools. Data is analyzed using triangulation techniques to ensure validity. The research findings show that effective pedagogical leadership can foster innovation and improve the quality of education. The results indicate that the pedagogical leadership of school principals plays a crucial role in transforming teaching in elementary schools. Principals who support teacher professional development through training, workshops, and collaboration can enhance teaching competence, which positively affects student learning outcomes. Additionally, principals who encourage innovation in teaching methods, such as the use of technology and project-based learning, can increase student engagement and create more interactive learning. Ongoing support from school principals in these developments helps create a progressive learning environment that is relevant to the changing times.


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