
  • Defia Fratita Rari Institut Sains dan Bisnis Internasional Singkawang
  • Wasis Suprapto Institut Sains dan Bisnis Internasional Singkawang
  • Abd. Basith Institut Sains dan Bisnis Internasional Singkawang




Teachers' Efforts in Instilling Student Nationalism


DEFIA FRATITA RARI: Teachers' Efforts in Instilling Nationalism in Grade V Students at SDN 4 Singkawang. Thesis, ISBI Singkawang, 2024.   This study aims to: 1) To find out the teachers' efforts in instilling nationalism attitudes in class V students at SDN 4 Singkawang, 2) To find out the obstacles faced by teachers in instilling nationalism attitudes in class V students at SDN 4 Singkawang. 3) To find out the strategies to overcome the obstacles faced by teachers in instilling nationalism attitudes in grade V students at SDN 4 Singkawang. The type of research used is qualitative research with a Case Study research design. The subjects in this study are divided into 2, namely the main subject, namely 2 class teachers, and supporting subjects, namely the principal of the school and 6 representatives of 5th grade students. The data collection instruments in this study are observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques using Analysis techniques by Milse and Huberman consists of the following data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawn. The results of this study show that: 1) In SDN 4 Singkawang there is a process carried out by teachers in instilling nationalism attitudes in grade V students. 2) In instilling nationalism attitudes among students, teachers are faced with obstacles both from school and from students themselves. Obstacles from schools such as lack of time and facilities to help teachers in instilling nationalism attitudes in students. Meanwhile, from the students themselves, such as a sense of wanting to win on their own, there is an ego, a lack of concern for students for their friends and environment. 3) There are strategies used by grade V teachers to overcome obstacles in instilling nationalism attitudes in grade V students, including inviting students to read more often, inviting them to tourist attractions, studying in groups, participating in devotional work activities and mutual cooperation and others.


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