
  • Evi Kurniasari Teknologi Pendidikan Universitas Pgri Adi Buana Surabaya
  • Retno Danu Rusmawati Teknologi Pendidikan Universitas Pgri Adi Buana Surabaya
  • Hartono Teknologi Pendidikan Universitas Pgri Adi Buana Surabaya



, Indonesian Education System


The purpose of this development is to (1) Produce video-based multimedia for Indonesian Language subjects at the sixth grade students about reading beautiful poetry material as learning support media, (2) To find out the effectiveness of using video-based multimedia on Indonesian Language subject for the sixth grade students about reading beautiful poetry materials as learning support media, and (3) Knowing the attractiveness of using video-based multimedia in Indonesian Language subject for the sixth grade students about reading beautiful poetry as a learning support media. The development model used is Dick & Carey. The stages of development research on the Dick & Carey model consist of ten steps, namely: (1) identify learning objectives, (2) conduct learning analysis, (4) look at student characteristics and context, (5) formulate specific learning objectives, (6) develop assessment tools, (7) develop learning strategies, (8) develop materials teaching, designing and implementing formative evaluations, (9) implementing revisions to learning, and (10) designing and implementing summative evaluations. The use of Video-Based Multimedia Development for Indonesian Language  Subject about reading beautiful poetry Material through the Dick and Carey Model at SDN Kalirungkut IV Surabaya can effectively increase active learning interactions. Video-Based Multimedia Products for Indonesian Language  Subjects, in reading beautiful poetry material, is the final product of this research and development project. The substance, learning design, and feasibility of learning media from these experts are all at a very decent level. The feasibility of small group trials and qualified field trials, meanwhile, is very high and requires no revision.


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