Gundem, Subordination, Custom, WomenAbstract
This research aims to understand the form and impact of subordination in the gundem activities of Bayan traditional institutions. The approach used is a qualitative approach using the case study method. The types of data and data sources in this research are primary data and secondary data with data sources in the form of Subjects and Informants. Data collection techniques in this research are observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique in this research is the Miles and Huberman model data analysis technique with procedures namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The results of this research found a form of subordination of women's roles in the gundem activities of Bayan traditional institutions; 1) During the gundem in Berugak Agung three women were involved; 2) The task of women in gundem is only to provide betel lime and dishes for the characters carrying out gundem; 3) If there are problems involving women, they are invited but only to hear the results of the gundem. The impact of the subordination of women's roles in gundem activities of Bayan traditional institutions; 1) Women cannot be involved in formulating gundem results; 2) Limited role of women in gundem; 3) Women must accept the results of gundemDownloads
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