
  • Indah Bunga Lestari Universitas Jambi
  • Lara Gesta Universitas Jambi
  • Andi Makarim Falah Universitas Jambi
  • Destrinelli Universitas Jambi




elementary education, listening skills, story telling method


The results of this research include initial data or initial conditions obtained by researchers from the results of daily tests of class IVa students at SD 64/I Muara Bulian for the 2024/2025 academic year, then improvements were made using Classroom Action Research (PTK) in two cycles of which there were four The stages in each cycle are planning, implementation, observation and reflection. This classroom action research is an effort to improve listening skills in class IVa Indonesian language learning using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model. Based on the scores in cycle 1 of the Speaking Using Question Words material, it is known that of the 27 students there were only 4 students who met the score > KKM (70) while 23 of them had the score < KKM (70). Based on the scores in cycle 2 material Speaking Using Question Words, it is known that all 27 students had scores > KKM (70) so it can be stated that in cycle 2 all students experienced completion when implementing the problem-based learning model. Based on the data that has been explained, the cooperative learning model using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) Learning Model in the material Speaking Using Question Words for class IVa SD 64/I Muara Bulian for the 2023/2024 Academic Year has experienced an increase in the results of the Cycle I and Cycle II assessments. The completeness of individual learning results in cycle I was 4 students with classical completeness reaching 14.81% and the class average score was 56.35. Furthermore, the completeness of the understanding of the individual cooperative learning model in cycle II has increased, namely as many as 27 students with classical completeness reaching 100% and the average class score obtained is 82.31, this is due to the learning process students have followed it well like almost all students. already paying attention to the teacher when explaining the learning material, there are already several students who dare to ask questions about the explanation given by the teacher and provide answers to questions raised by the teacher and students.


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