
  • M Teguh Saefuddin Teguh Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
  • Tia Norma Wulan Universitas Sultan Ageung Tirtayasa
  • Savira Universitas Sultan Ageung Tirtayasa
  • Dase Erwin Juansah Universitas Sultan Ageung Tirtayasa




Kuantitatif, Kualitatif


Research is a systematic process carried out to gain an in-depth understanding of a topic or phenomenon. In carrying out research, data collection is an important step in obtaining the necessary information. Appropriate data collection techniques and valid research instruments play an important role in producing accurate and reliable data. During the early 20th century, a number of researchers and philosophers urged a revision of the research approaches that had dominated scientific research. In research, there are two main approaches that are often used, namely qualitative research and quantitative research. Qualitative research aims to understand phenomena in depth through interpretation and descriptive analysis, while quantitative research aims to measure and analyze data statistically. Research methods commonly used by students consist of Qualitative, Quantitative, Research and Development and mixed methods. However, what is very often found is research methods using qualitative and quantitative approaches. The data collection technique in this paper uses documentation, where the author collects references in the form of books and journals that speak to the theme of this paper, then the author analyzes these books and journals to draw conclusions that speak to the research theme. Basic research generally uses experimental methods and qualitative approaches. Meanwhile, applied research uses experimental methods. Even though some of the figures above divide educational research into several methods, none of these methods is always better than the others because the methods used in a research are determined by the nature of the problem and the type of data required.


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