
  • Anna Rahmawati Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
  • Ana Fitrotun Nisa Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
  • Berliana Henu Cahyani Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
  • Banun Havifah Cahyo Khosiyono Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa



teacher's role, bullying behavior, elementary school students


Character education aims to form good personality and habits. With character education, students are formed who are not only intelligent in science, but also intelligent in managing emotions. However, at this time, character education has begun to decline, with the discovery of bullying incidents in elementary schools. Bullying is a form of aggressive, violent action that hurts other people continuously. The causes are varied, ranging from a family environment that is always fighting, shows that are less educational, a community environment that is less friendly to children and even teachers who still don't fully understand how to deal with bullying behavior at school. The aim of this research is to determine the role of teachers in bullying behavior in elementary schools. This research method is a case study. This case study research is used to provide insight into real world conditions and realities, especially the strategies used by teachers to overcome bullying behavior. In this case, first, researchers will conduct interviews with teachers as informants, because teachers are coaches and create a supportive and comprehensive social context that does not tolerate aggressive and violent behavior at school by students. The results of the research show that teachers play a very important role in anticipating cases of bullying in elementary schools, namely by providing education, guidance, motivation, advice, direction, and instilling good attitudes in schools so that bullying does not happen again in schools.


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