
  • Anang Setiawan Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Wiryanto Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Hendratno Universitas Negeri Surabaya




bullying, elementary school, second-hand for poster


Education plays a key role in building children's character and development, but the phenomenon of bullying among students is a serious challenge. This study investigated the effectiveness of using second-hand for poster media in bullying prevention in elementary schools. This study utilized the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method over two cycles. The first cycle focused on problem identification and poster making, while the second cycle involved the application of posters on used items and discussion. The results showed an increase in students' understanding of bullying, with the percentage of students with high understanding increasing from 30% in siklus I to 65% in siklus II. The second-hand for posters proved effective in raising students' awareness, inviting them to actively participate in bullying prevention at school. In addition, these posters have the advantages of raising environmental awareness, stimulating creativity, conveying a strong message, and attracting attention. In conclusion, the use of second-hand posters can be considered an effective method in bullying prevention in elementary schools, positively impacting students' understanding and promoting environmental awareness at the same time. bullying, elementary school, second-hand for poster


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