Self-Regulated Learning, Students, School, SLRAbstract
Self Regulated Learning is an important factor in learning. This research aims to determine the implementation of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) in elementary, middle school, high school and tertiary level students. This research uses the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method. This method was chosen because it involves introduction, review, evaluation and comprehensive interpretation of all existing research. By implementing SLR, researchers carry out a systematic review and journal identification process, following the steps that have been determined at each stage. Researchers utilized the literature review method by using sources from the Google Scholar database as the main reference for accessing related articles regarding the application of self-regulated learning information. The research results obtained a total of 15 articles. Of the 15 articles obtained, there were 7 articles for elementary school level, 2 articles for middle school, 3 articles for high school, and 3 articles for college. Based on the results obtained, it shows that self-regulated learning is needed for all levels of education (elementary school, middle school, high school and university). The conclusion of this research is that all levels of education in Indonesia use Self-Regulated Learning, and Self-Regulated Learning is very important for all levels of education, including elementary, middle school, high school and tertiary institutions.Downloads
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