
  • Sarmila Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
  • Yuyu Yuhana Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa




Ethnomathematics, Banten Rampak Bedug Dance


This research aims to find out the basic mathematical elements as identified by Bishop that are present in the dance art of the Banten Bedug Rampak. Furthermore, the research aims to explore the potential for the integration of the dance art of Rampak Bedug Banten into the mathematical educational material used in schools. The research methodology used in this research is qualitative research, in particular using an ethnographic approach. The methods used to collect data include interviews, observations, and documentation. The validity of research data encompasses several strategies, such as expanding observation, increasing persistence, using reference materials, using data triangulation, and using source triangulation. The findings of this study show the existence of ethnomathematical practices and the fusion of mathematical principles in the Banten Bedug Impact dance. Banten's Dancing Impact Bedug encompasses several ethnomathematical activities including counting, locating, measuring, designing, playing, and explaining. The Beduck Impact Dance incorporates mathematical elements such as straight lines and flat shapes, among others squares of length, trapeziums, and circles. In addition, there are mathematical elements of tubular space construction and translation geometric transformation. The results of the analysis showed that Banten's dance contained mathematical elements, and the entire component of dance could be combined and applied in the context of mathematics education in schools.


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