school literacy movement, CIPP, competencyAbstract
This research aims to analyze the implementation of the school literacy movement program, supporting and inhibiting factors as well as input for improving the program. This research uses the CIPP evaluation method to analyze the school literacy movement program. The subjects in this research were 1 school principal, 6 class teachers and 1 library management teacher. Data collection was carried out using interview, observation and documentation methods. The data obtained was then analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the research analysis show that the program objective context was achieved according to plan and in line with the mission and goals of the school, while the input of infrastructure was adequate but the ability of educators was not able to utilize it properly. In the process component, the program was implemented according to plan, and in the product component the expected output was not achieved optimally. Supporting factors for the program are the availability of school facilities and infrastructure and the participation of teachers in implementing the literacy movement program, while inhibiting factors are the competence of educators and the ability to utilize available facilities to create a literacy-rich ecosystemDownloads
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