Development, E-Module, FlipHTML5, Addie ModelAbstract
This study aims to develop products and determine the feasibility of e-modules using fliphtml5 assisted by Canva on the environmental theme of our friends, the subtheme of environmental change in class V of SDN Pabuaran Cilendek Bogor City in the even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. The method used in this study is known as Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE model. To perfect the e-module product using flipHTML5 on the theme of our friend's environment, the subtheme of environmental change has been validated with experts in the media, language, and material fields. The results obtained are final validation value from the media expert obtained 92%, which means very good / very feasible and usable; the final result from the linguist obtained 100%, which shows very good / very feasible and can be used; then the last result from the material expert obtained 92.72% which means it is declared very good / very suitable for use. Furthermore, the results of the trial of 19 students of class V-A obtained the results that the e-module using flipHTML5 on the theme of our friend's environment subtheme environmental change has a practical value of 93.36% which means it is very good / very suitable for students to use in learning. Therefore, it can be concluded that the development of e-modules using flipHTML5 on the theme of our friend's environment subtheme of environmental change in Pabuaran Cilendek State Elementary School class V even semester 2022/2023 which uses the ADDIE development model (Analyze et al.) was declared very valid by the three validators with scores of 92% from media experts, 100% from linguists, and 92.72% of material experts and obtained a practicality score of 93.36% from student responses.Downloads
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