Value of charater, mesilaq traditionAbstract
ABSTRACT The entry of globalization in Indonesia caused changes to the tradition of mesilaq in the past with the present, so that it resulted in the loss of character values in mesilaq tradition. This research aims 1. Knowing how the process of implementing the mesilaq tradition 2. Know the values of the character contained in mesilaq tradition in the Anyar village community of the new district of lombok district. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of ethnographic research. Data collection technique used are interview, observation and documentation. Data analysis technique use data reduction, data agreement and withdrawing conclusions. The results of the study showed that 1. The process of implementing the mesilaq tradition is divided into three stages; first: the stage of preparation is gundem which has the meaning of consensus, and preparation equipment needed; both, The phases of implementation are related to the process of implementing mesilaq, in the Anyar village, mesilaq there are two terms: membarak and menyilaq. Membarak this is done two days or a day before the begawe event starts. While menyilaq stars on the begawe event; Third the closing stage is the present of greetings of petition. On membarak by saying lafaz “assalamualikum warrahmatulahi wabarakatu” and the time of menyilaq is done with greetings between kiyai or other customs. And after that, eat together prepared by epen gawe. the values of character in mesilaq tradition include: religious value, honest value, tolerance value, democratic value, responsible value, humility value and social value.Downloads
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