TransBORDERS: International Relations Journal is a periodical international relations journal that is published twice a year (December and June). TransBORDERS: International Relations Journal is managed and published by Laboratory of International Relations, Department of International Relations Universitas Pasundan Bandung.  TransBORDERS: Internationals Relations Journal can be a reference and literature source for academician in International Relations and social sciences area as it consists of articles and research reports on International Relations Issues. Articles and research reports are written by academicians, researchers, or students who are expert on its field like Security Studies, International Political Economy, International Regime, International Organizations, Gender and International Relations, Diplomacy, Media and International Relations, etc.  Articles that are received by editorial board will pass through blind review process by Reviewer. The articles that are considered appropriate to be published will be published in Open Journal System (OJS).

Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): TransBorders: International Relations Journal
					View Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): TransBorders: International Relations Journal
TransBORDERS: International Relations Journal adalah jurnal berkala yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Hubungan Internasional FISIP UNPAS yang menghimpun karya tulis ilmiah baik dalam bentuk kajian konseptual atau hasil penelitian seputar dinamika dan fenomena ilmu hubungan internasional baik dalam ruang lingkup nasional, regional maupun global.
Published: 2025-01-06
View All Issues

 TransBORDERS: International Relations Journal is a periodical international relations journal that is published twice a year (December and June). TransBORDERS: International Relations Journal is managed and published by Laboratory of International Relations, Department of International Relations Universitas Pasundan Bandung.

TransBORDERS: Internationals Relations Journal can be a reference and literature source for academician in International Relations and social sciences area as it consists of articles and research reports on International Relations Issues. Articles and research reports are written by academicians, researchers, or students who are expert on its field like Security Studies, International Political Economy, International Regime, International Organizations, Gender and International Relations, Diplomacy, Media and International Relations, etc.

Articles that are received by editorial board will pass through blind review process by Reviewer. The articles that are considered appropriate to be published will be published in Open Journal System (OJS).



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