Image Media, Motivation, Science Learning OutcomesAbstract
Learning models and student characteristics are components that influence better student learning outcomes. This research aims to find out how the use of image media significantly affects the natural sciences learning achievement of students with high learning motivation compared to students with low learning motivation. The research will also investigate the relationship between the use of image media and learning motivation on Natural Sciences learning outcomes. This study was conducted at SDN 095557 and SDN 091608 Sinaksak in Tapian Dolok District in the 2021/2022 academic year, and the subjects were fifth-grade elementary school students. Descriptive experiments were conducted using a quantitative approach with a 2x2 factorial design. Researchers used a random sample of forty people for the research. The data analysis used was Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), followed by the t-test. The results of this research indicate that the use of learning image media significantly influences students' science learning outcomes. The sciencelearning outcomes of students with high learning motivation differ from those with low learning motivation. With a calculated result of sig = 0.00 < sig = 0.05, the research results show that using learning image media and learning motivation impacts the science learning outcomes of class V students at SDN 095557 Sinaksak. This research concludes that learning image media and learningmotivation impact their science learning outcomes.Downloads
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