batik, culture, ecoprintAbstract
SD Negeri Pangkur 01 Ngawi is one of the schools that upholds the values of local wisdom in school habituation. Activities to introduce local wisdom at SDN Pangkur 1 are only dancing and painting, so there is a need for a new activity or habituation that can be used as learning for students for their future, namely by introducing ecoprint batik to develop basic abilities and skills of students. Objective: To find out the implementation of ecoprint training at school and to find out the perceptions of students after participating in ecoprint training. Methods: The implementation of ecoprint training at SDN Pangkur 1 Ngawi involved the principal, a number of teachers and students in grades 4, 5 and 6 totaling 75 students with the implementation method, namely problem and needs analysis, activity planning, program implementation and evaluation of assistance. Results: The implementation of ecoprint training at SDN Pangkur 1 Ngawi has been carried out optimally. Program planning and ecoprint mentoring have been completed. Based on the training assistance and evaluation of the participants' responses, it can be seen that the material presented can be delivered well and the training participants gave a very positive response.Downloads
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