Critical Thinking, Project Citizen,Citizenship Education.Abstract
This research is an experimental study with a one-group pretest-posttest design. Its objective was to determine whether the project citizen model can enhance the critical thinking skills of 5th-grade students in Tampung 1 elementary school, specifically in the subject of civic education with a focus on cultural diversity. A sample of 35 students was used, and they were given a pretest consisting of essay questions. Then, they received the treatment (project citizen learning) and a posttest. The results of the N-Gain test indicated that the minimum value was 0.06 and the maximum value was 0.68, which falls within the moderate range of N-Gain criteria (0.3 ≤ g < 0.7). The average score for critical thinking in the pretest was 32.46, categorized as low (20% < T ≤ 40%), while in the posttest, it was 56.3, categorized as moderate (40% < T ≤ 60%). The normality test showed that the data were normally distributed, with a significance value of 0.200, which is greater than the alpha level of 0.05 (> 0.05). The t-test results for students' critical thinking skills indicated that the significance value (0.000) was smaller than the alpha level (0.05), this means that there was an improvement in students' critical thinking skills between the pretest and posttest after the implementation of project citizen learning.Downloads
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