guided inquiry, learning outcomes, learning BuddhismAbstract
This article was conducted to determine the effectiveness of applying the guided inquiry method to improve learning outcomes in Buddhist education for fifth grade students at SD Negeri Genilangit 2 with good friends as material. This study used Classroom Action Research, with two cycles. The research subjects were 5th grade students at SD Negeri Geneilangit 2. The results showed that student learning outcomes from the pre-cycle stage, cycle I to cycle II experienced a significant increase. where at the pre-cycle stage the highest score was 55 by 1 student while the lowest was 2 students, experienced an increase in cycle I with a value of 90, by 1 student while the value below the KKM was 2 students, significantly all students increased to 95 above the KKM, on cycle II based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the application of the guided inquiry method can improve learning outcomes on Teman Yang Baik.Downloads
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