Learning should be tailored to the characteristics of students and create a pleasant learning atmosphere in order to enhance students' interest and learning outcomes. This classroom action research aims to improve learning in the fifth grade and test the effect of the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model on students' learning outcomes. The study involved 27 students from the fifth grade of SDN Kepatihan 1, Tulungagung Regency, as research subjects. The instruments used were observation and tests. The collected data were analyzed using the classical achievement formula and class average scores. The research results showed that the implementation of the PBL model in the first cycle demonstrated student engagement of 77.7% during the implementation, while in the second cycle, it increased to 91.6%. The students' learning outcomes in the subject of Social Sciences, particularly the topic of events surrounding the proclamation of Indonesian independence, in the first cycle showed a classical achievement of 44.5% with an average score of 69.6, whereas in the second cycle, it increased to 85% with an average score of 84.5. Therefore, it can be concluded that the PBL model is capable of improving students' learning outcomes in the subject of Social Sciences, specifically the topic of events surrounding the proclamation of Indonesian independence, in the fifth grade. In this study, educators are expected to optimize the use of the PBL learning model by developing appropriate teaching materials and assessments based on students' characteristics.Downloads
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