
  • Mauliga Hana Fatikhah PPG Prajabatan PGSD Universitas PGRI Madiun
  • Nur Samsiyah PPG Prajabatan PGSD Universitas PGRI Madiun



The progress of teaching and science is growing faster and faster affecting all aspects of human life, including in the domain of teaching. In the current 4.0 era, the realm of education must adjust to the development of technological advances that make learning more innovative and fun. In this case, teachers have an important role in terms of creating development, thinking for the use of innovation in learning. Progress and part of innovation in teaching has been so visible, that the use of tools, educational equipment, and teaching in schools began to be adapted to advances and technological developments. With the development of interactive learning patterns enabled by technology, learning can be enriched, made more enjoyable, and enhanced for students. Students discover new environments and experiences with media such as Chromebooks software activities. In order to develop and improve classroom learning practices with higher quality for students, this study uses a type of classroom action research using quantitative methods Based on the discussion and research results, it can be concluded that through chromebook media as a tool for finding information, additional knowledge, innovation, games, deepening learning materials and evaluation for grade IV students of SDN Tanjungrejo 01 can improve learning outcomes  Natural and Social Sciences. In the implementation of learning, teachers should use the latest media as an effort to utilize adequate facilities and infrastructure and teachers should always reflect on learning so that learning is not monotonous and continues to develop following the times.


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