
  • Ledian Purnanda Uin Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu
  • Yoven Jonivan Uin Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu
  • Nurlaili Uin Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu




Keywords: Jihad, Physical Dimension, Social Dimension, Spiritual Dimension


This research aims to examine the concept of jihad in Islam as a whole, beyond thenarrow understanding of physical struggle. Jihad, which means "working" in the way ofAllah, includes various forms, such as verbal jihad (conveying the truth), wealth jihad(giving donations), and physical actions in maintaining justice. This type of research isa literature study with a descriptive approach. This research examines the Koran,hadith, and the views of ulama to reveal the spiritual, social, and moral aspects of jihadin Muslim life. This research found the following results: First, Jihad has variousdimensions, including the Physical Dimension, Social and Justice Dimensions,Spiritual and Moral Dimensions. Both jihads are not only related to war, but also includepersonal and social struggles for the common good, with the main aim of achievingAllah's approval and realizing peace. Third, the imams of the sects differ in theirinterpretation of jihad. In the Sunni sect, jihad is often emphasized more on physicalstruggle in war and self-defense. Meanwhile, in the Shiite school of thought, theconcept of jihad places greater emphasis on spiritual and intellectual jihad, as well asthe struggle to uphold a just government based on Islamic principles. Among Sufis,jihad is more emphasized on inner struggle against worldly desires and achievingcloseness to God. This research concludes that jihad in Islam is a very broad, rich andcomplex concept, which is not only limited to physical struggle in armed warfare, blindanarchy is even far from the concept of Islam, in fact jihad involves various dimensions,including struggle. inner (against desires), social struggle for justice, and intellectualstruggle to uphold the truth.


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