Writing Skills, Model, Learning CycleAbstract
Rizka Mutiara, 2023. Improving Procedure Text Writing Skills using the Learning Cycle Model for Class XI Science 3 Students at SMAN 7 Wajo. Thesis. Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Faculty of Letters, Indonesian Muslim University. Supervised by Muliadi and Rahmat. This research aims to improve the writing skills of class XI students at SMAN 7 Wajo. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (PTK). The research data consists of two, namely data on student learning activity processes and data on student learning outcomes. The source of research data is all 29 students in class XI IPA 3. Collecting research data using student observation sheets, student test/practice sheets and documentation. The data analysis used is descriptive qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. In cycle 1 of the first meeting, the student learning activity process was in the inactive category with a percentage of 53%, then this increased to 56% in the second meeting of cycle 1. Furthermore, in cycle 2 of the first meeting, students showed a positive attitude so that the student learning process was categorized as active at 64 % and student learning activity increased again at the second meeting of cycle 2 by 85% from the previous cycle. Meanwhile, research data from the pre-cycle showed that the average student score was 49 and 4 people achieved the KKM or 14%. In cycle I the average score was 74 and 20 people or 69% reached the KKM. The average score for cycle II was 85 and 26 people reached the KKM or 90%. Based on the research results and discussion above, it can be concluded that the use of the learning cycle model can improve procedural text writing skills in class XI IPA 3 students at SMAN 7 Wajo.Downloads
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