
  • Auwliya Khairun Nisa Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan
  • Septuri Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
  • Ahmad Fauzan Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung



The Qiraati Method, Learning Outcomes, Quranic Reading Abilities


The ability to read the holy book of the Quran is a fundamental skill that every practicing Muslim must possess, as the primary key to performing worship for every Muslim soul is the ability to read and recite the sacred verses of the Quran. Challenges in Quranic learning, including the diverse educational backgrounds of students, difficulty in understanding Arabic letters, and a lack of comprehension of Tajweed (the rules of Quranic recitation), require an appropriate approach in the learning process. This research aims to explore the implementation of the Qiraati method in enhancing Quranic reading abilities at Madrasah Diniyyah Taqwa, considering the diverse educational backgrounds of students and related challenges. Through in-depth analysis, this research hopes to identify effective strategies in strengthening Quranic reading abilities, especially amidst the diversity of students' educational backgrounds. The Qiraati method was chosen as the focus of the research due to its reputation as an easily understandable and applicable approach in various educational contexts. Thus, this research will not only provide insights into the effectiveness of this method but also highlight the role of teachers in facilitating an inclusive and adaptive learning process. The research location is Madrasah Diniyyah Taqwa in Bandar Lampung. Data collection techniques include interviews, tests, and documentation. Data analysis techniques involve data collection, presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this research indicate that the Qiraati method is effective in improving the quality of Quranic learning at Madrasah Diniyyah Taqwa, with 45% achieving a very good rating, 25% obtaining a good rating, and 30% being satisfactory. From these results, it is evident that the use of the Qiraati method is effective, as the majority of students have succeeded in achieving good performance in Quranic reading, with most of them attaining a very good rating. Furthermore, this research is expected to provide a better understanding of how the Qiraati method can support better reading and comprehension of the Quran among madrasah students.


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