Copywriting, Copywriter, MarketingAbstract
This research aims to 1) Find out the forms of language used in copywriter marketing strategies in online sales on Miniso Instagram accounts and Ussindonesia Instagram accounts; 2) Find out the comparison of the level of success of the language used by copywriters in marketing strategies on the Miniso Instagram account and the Ussindonesia Instagram account based on the number of items sold on the respective Shopee platforms. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques in the form of caption observations and screen capture documentation. Based on three randomly selected uploads from each @minisoindo Instagram account and @ussindonesia Instagram account, it can be concluded that: 1) the forms of language used in marketing copywriter strategies in online sales on the @minisoindo Instagram account and Instagram account @ussindonesia has similarities in using a variety of non-standard language that is persuasive, as well as using hashtags that show the characteristics of each account. The difference can then be seen in the use of more communicative and interesting language by the copywriter on the @minisoindo account, while the copywriter on the @ussindonesia account uses shorter and less communicative language; 2) by comparing the sales results of related items on the Shopee platform, the sales figures for items on the Shopee Miniso account are higher than the sales figures for items on the Shopee Ussindonesia account. It can be seen that the comparison of the language used by copywriters in the marketing strategy on the Instagram account @minisoindo has a higher impact on success. compared to the language used by copywriters in marketing strategies on the @ussindonesia Instagram account.Downloads
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