
  • Intan Pandini Aci Universitas Mataram
  • Moh. Irawan Zain Universitas Mataram
  • Aisa Nikmah Rahmatih Universitas Mataram
  • Sudirman Universitas Mataram



Basic Literacy Movement, Planning, Implementation and Results.


This research aims to find out: (1) planning of the basic literacy movement, 2) Implementation of the basic literacy movement, 3) Evaluation of the results of the literacy movement. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods while data collection techniques use observation, interviews and documentation. The research results show that: 1) planning in the basic literacy program consists of facilities, activity schedules and learning activities. 2) Implementation of the basic literacy program consists of, a) implementation of using facilities such as expanded libraries, increasing the number of books, adding reading corners, and adding wall panels. b) implementation in the literacy implementation schedule consists of: a) morning spirit carried out before class time starts, b) learning activities consist of implementing learning with groups of all intelligent children (SAC) consisting of beginner and letter groups, word and paragraph groups, and groups stories I and II, 3) Evaluation of results in the basic literacy program with the all intelligent children (SAC) program which consists of: a) facilities, b) literacy implementation schedule, c) Evaluation of learning activities. The conclusion from the research results is that the implementation of the basic literacy program which consists of planning, implementation and results has been implemented well as seen from using the All Smart Children (SAC) program.


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