
  • Yosep Yosep Universitas Terbuka
  • Luhur Wicaksono Universitas Terbuka
  • Rhini Fatmasari Universitas Terbuka




Program Evaluation, Managerial Supervision, Principal Performance


The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of managerial program evaluation in improving the performance of school principals in Cluster III Lengkenat Sintang District. The subjects of this study were school supervisors and principals in Cluster III Lengkenat, totaling 7 people consisting of 2 supervisors and 5 school principals, namely SDN 02 Lengkenat, SDN 16 Paoh, Sepauk District, SDN 17 SP2 C Paoh, SDN 25 Sei Arak and SDN 27 Gernis. This research is evaluation research that uses the CIPP Model, namely an evaluation model with comprehensive work to carry out formative and summative evaluations of programs, projects, personnel, products, organizations, policies, and evaluation systems. The instruments used were observation sheets, interview guides, and documentation. The results of the study show (1) supervisors plan and prepare instruments before supervising their target schools. (2) the implementation of supervision runs smoothly even though there are obstacles, but the supervisor makes initiatives to overcome these obstacles. (3) the results of the 2021 School Principal Performance Assessment (PKKS) show that there has been an increase in school principal performance compared to the previous year. (4) Follow up on the results of the supervision carried out by the supervisor in the form of notes of improvement submitted by the supervisor so that the following year will be even better. If the target school experiences problems in preparing administration, socialization will be carried out together through the Principal Working Group (KKKS) activities so that the notes on the results of the improvements submitted by the superintendent can be corrected quickly without experiencing problems.


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