Incomplete families, child development, social-emotionalAbstract
This research detects social-emotional development in early childhood children who live in incomplete families, with the aim of looking at the process of social-emotional growth and development of children in incomplete families. This research uses interviews, observation, FGD, and documentation methods as techniques for collecting data in the field. The data obtained will be analyzed using descriptive qualitative analysis techniques. The results of this analysis, produce special characteristics of each incomplete family in the Bagek Kembar neighborhood and show that children who grow and develop in incomplete families experience delays in their development process. Delays that arise in the process of children's social-emotional growth and development create special characteristics in children who grow and develop in incomplete families in the Bagek Kembar environment. The special characteristics that emerge in the child's social-emotional growth and development process can be seen from the similarities and differences in the child's social-emotional growth and development process. These similarities are found in the emotional abilities and prosocial and antisocial attitudes of each child. Children who live in incomplete families and are raised by their mothers have similarities in prosocial attitudes, namely being easy to get along with the surrounding environment, another similarity is in their emotional abilities, which tends to have low ability to control emotions. The characteristics that appear in children who are cared for by aunts or other family members have significant differences from other child informants. This child tends to grow and develop with the ability to control emotions well, this child also has a good prosocial attitude, namely having sensitivity and empathy for peers and friends who are smaller than him, but DL also grows and develops with less good treatment from peers and also a cousin who is the same age as him.Downloads
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