STEAM-PjBL, Product Diferensiasi, Evaluation researchAbstract
This research is motivated by problems that arise in the IPAS learning process, especially in material that requires a lot of theory and very little practical work. One of the factors is the lack of student involvement in learning. This is one of the factors that makes students experience difficulties in understanding the material, one of which is the ecosystem components material. One effort that can be made to overcome this problem is through STEAM learning based on PjBL (project based learning) with the resulting products adapted to the product differentiation strategy. The resulting products are 1) Terrarium making, 2) Role playing 3) Posters and 4) Power Points which are then measured quantitatively using evaluation research. Based on data analysis from the data in the table above, it is known that the average score for all aspects of STEAM products is 81 and falls into the good categoryDownloads
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