
  • A Sarbandi Universitas Terbuka
  • Effendi Nawawi Universitas Terbuka
  • Suciati Suciati Universitas Terbuka




Evaluation, Procurement, Infrastructure


The purpose of this study was to analyze the Implementation of Procurement of Facilities and Infrastructure for Elementary Schools in Remote Areas in Muara Sugihan District in terms of context, input, process and result elements and internal factors and external factors procurement of standard facilities and infrastructure for Elementary Schools. This research includes a qualitative approach. The type of study used to evaluate the program is the CIPP (Context, Input, Process and Product) model developed by Stufflebeam. Sources of information in this study were the Head of SDN 26 Muara Sugihan, teachers in grades one, four and six and BOS Operators. The result of the research is that the Implementation of Procurement of Facilities and Infrastructure for Elementary Schools in Remote Areas in Muara Sugihan District in terms of the elements of context, input, process and results can be said to be successful because it can increase the teacher's enthusiasm for teaching and children's motivation to learn. Procurement of facilities and infrastructure is school autonomy with a separate budget originating from school budgets from the government, BOS funds or donors. One of the factors that influence the provision of Standards for Facilities and Infrastructure at SDN 26 Muara Sugihan is one of the facilities and infrastructure, this is due to the existence of a system that has not worked as it should where there has been inequality in education or in other words the inequality of existing facilities implemented at SDN 26 Muara Sugihan has not been fulfilled.


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