
  • Aprida Devi Universitas Terbuka
  • Effendi Nawawi Universitas Terbuka
  • Suciati Suciati Universitas Terbuka




CIPP, evaluation and School Operational Assistance Fund


One of the funding programs issued by the government is School Operational Assistance (BOS). This research aims to evaluate the school operational assistance funding program at State Elementary School 8 Banyuasin 1. The research method used is qualitative research with the CIPP evaluation model developed by Stuffle beam. The aspects evaluated are the context, input, process, and product aspects of the BOS program at SD Negeri 8 Banyuasin 1. This research was carried out to provide a descriptive explanation regarding the management of school operational assistance funds at SD Negeri 8 Banyuasin 1, In this research, the researcher will evaluate and describe the process of implementing the management of the BOS fund program at the school. Data was obtained through primary data and secondary data. The instruments used by researchers to obtain data information are through interviews, observation, and reviewing documents using the CIPP evaluation model. Based on the field results, it can be concluded that overall, the evaluation results of the BOS program at SD Negeri 8 Banyuasin 1 are quite good, with the shortcomings being that the content standards are not yet optimal and also the low achievement achieved by teachers. The research implies that school principals and those responsible for the BOS program must be mature in preparing the RKAS. This is done to manage school needs in a fair, balanced, and transparent manner.


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