Media papan domino (garis bilangan) terhadap pemahaman konsep matematika
Mathematics, Domino Board, Understanding ConceptsAbstract
The problem behind this research is the low understanding of students' mathematical concepts. The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of domino board media (dumber line) on the ability to understand mathematical concepts of elementary school students. The approach used in this research is quantitative with true experimental design. The sample used was 58 grade IV students. The experimental class consisted of 29 students, and the control class consisted of 29 students. Sampling technique using simple random sampling. The instrument used is the same posttest in the form of an essay given for an experiment class and a control class. The results of the average calculation of the ability to understand mathematical concepts include 3 indicators with a percentage of 80.93% of experimental classes using domino board learning media (number lines), and control classes without using learning media with a percentage of 68.69%. Then an average posttest score of the experimental class was 79,55, while the average posttest of the control class was 67.89. Got a calculation test of 2,806 greater than a table of 1,699 (count = 2,806 > table = 1,699). So the conclusion in this study, learning using domino board media (number line) gets higher results than learning without using learning media. Keywords: Mathematics, Domino Board, Understanding ConceptsDownloads
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