
  • Debi Septiani Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Indah Nurmahanani Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Acep Ruswan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia



Mastery of Student English Vocabulary, Snakes and Ladders Learning Media.


The importance of English language skills in the 4.0 era makes this language a global communication that allows humans to collaborate effectively and access wider information. Mastery of English vocabulary is the ability that exists in a person to be able to understand a word contained in English and become the basis for communication that everyone already knows, both orally and in writing.  The mastery of English vocabulary of students in elementary school is still relatively low so this study aims to determine the mastery of English vocabulary of students before and after using snake and ladder learning media and the influence of snake and ladder learning media on the mastery of English vocabulary of elementary school students. This study used a type of Quasi Experimental with a Nonequivalent Control Group Design Research Design.The research data was collected from two groups of students who each received a different type of learning. The results of this study showed that students in the experimental class who used snake and ladder learning media had better results in mastering English vocabulary compared to control class students who got conventional learning and there was an influence of snake and ladder learning media on mastery of English vocabulary of elementary school students.The results of the N-Gain score that the score in the experimental class of 0.4038 was higher than the class score control of 0.2250.  In accordance with the results of inferential analysis with a simple linear regression test, the influence of snakes and ladders learning media on students' mastery of English vocabulary was 42.8%. Thus, this study concluded that learning using snakes and ladders learning media affects the mastery of English vocabulary of elementary school students


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