
Publication Ethics

The following are ethical provisions for the Symmetry Journal published by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FTTE) Universitas Pasundan. This ethical determination is an adaptation of the COPE Code of Conduct on the https://publicationethics.org/files/u2/New_Code.pdf page.

The author needs to accept and sign the ethics statement letter. Sent the files to the contact number or email.

The Symmetry Journal Editor is committed to ensures the implementation of all procedures aimed at realizing an objective intellectual process. The editors and partners/reviewers evaluate the manuscript regardless of ethnicity, religion, race, and between groups.

Author Ethics

  1. Responsible for ensuring the originality and novelty of submitted manuscripts
  2. Do not reproduce the work that has previously been published in other journals.
  3. Do not submit manuscripts that are being reviewed or processed by Symmetry journals to other journals simultaneously.
  4. Only allowed to publish the manuscript after receiving a formal rejection from the Symmetry Journal or the request for revocation of the manuscript has been officially accepted by the Symmetry Journal.
  5. It is required to inform the Editor or Journal Manager if there are data errors in the published manuscript, so that corrections or revocation of articles can be immediately carried out.
  6. Must make a significant contribution and be held accountable for deficiencies in the work produced.

Reviewer Ethics

  1. Must give up any personal interests before agreeing to review the manuscript.
  2. The right to refuse to review the manuscript on the grounds of insufficient knowledge or avoiding a conflict of interest.
  3. Review all manuscripts objectively, fairly and professionally. Disclosing all ethical violations found and reported to the Editor for follow-up.
  4. Must ensure the originality of the manuscript and be aware of acts of plagiarism and exaggeration of publication.
  5. It is not permitted to discuss the content of the manuscript without permission.
  6. Adhere to the time allotted for the review process. Requests for an extension to review submissions are at the Editor's discretion.

Editor in-chief Ethics

  1. Evaluate manuscripts fairly and solely on intellectual merit.
  2. Ensure the confidentiality of the manuscript and not disclose any information about the manuscript to anyone other than the people involved in the publication process.
  3. Has responsibility in determining articles and publication times.
  4. Actively seek the views of Editors, Reviewers/Partners, and authors on how to improve/improve the image and visibility of the journal.
  5. Provide clear instructions to contributors regarding the submission process and what is expected of the author.
  6. Ensure the selection/detection of the right reviewers/partners for the review process.

Editorial Staff Ethics

  1. Actively contribute to the development and improvement of the journal.
  2. Act as an ambassador for the Symmetry Journal.
  3. Continuously supports and publishes the Symmetry Journal.
  4. Review all assigned work.