Exploring Grade 11 Learners’ Mathematical Connections when Solving Trigonometric Equations
Trigonometric Equations, Links, Nodes, Algebraic Connections, Trigonometric ConnectionsAbstract
In this paper, we explored the intra-mathematical connections that grade 11 learners make when solving trigonometric equations. The study was guided by Mowat’s theory of mathematical connections in which nodes and links are used to connect mathematical concepts and topics. We used a qualitative case study design within an interpretive paradigm to explore the intra-mathematical connections learners make as they solved trigonometric equations. The study was conducted in a high school in Mankweng Circuit, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Convenience sampling was used to select 30 learners who participated in the study. Data was collected using documents and task-based interviews. Data were analysed using inductive thematic analysis. The findings showed that learners made were able to make algebraic connections when solving trigonometric equations. They, however, were unable to make connections within trigonometry itself. This study, therefore, recommends that teachers stress the importance of connections when teaching trigonometry so that learners will not learn trigonometric concepts in isolation. In addition, it is recommended that further research be conducted on teaching strategies to improve learners’ mathematical connection skills when solving trigonometric equations.Downloads
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