About the Journal

Journal Sampurasun : Interdisciplinary Studies for Cultural Heritage with ISSN: 2460-5743 (e-ISSN) and 2460-5735 (print) is an international refereed e-journal written in English. It is a double-blind peer-reviewed, published in two issues per year (June and December) and scientific journal published by Unpas and Supported by University of Northern Philippines (UNP), Universiti Utara Malaysia, (UUM) Chonbuk National University (CBNU), Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań(AaM), Derby University (United Kingdom).

The purpose of the journal is to bring a wide spectrum of participants to disseminate research findings of academicians, national and local government units, non-governmental organizations, heritage conservation practitioners and planners, tourism organizations, and the media. Specifically, ISCH intends to discuss and exchange knowledge on preservation and revitalizing culture, values, and  best practices of people in the world. ISCH also caters to recent challenges and opportunities for saving treasured culture and values. Its scope encompasses the thematic as follows: Social and Humanity: Social Work, Sociology, Law, Education, Public Administration, Business Administration, Communication, International Relation, Management, Culture and Art, Anthropology, History, Women Studies, Hospitality and Tourism. Engineering: Environmental Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Urban and City Planning, Industrial Technology and Food Technology.

Current Issue

Vol. 10 No. 2 (2024): Sampurasun Vol. 10 No. 2 - 2024
					View Vol. 10 No. 2 (2024): Sampurasun Vol. 10 No. 2 - 2024
Journal Sampurasun : Interdisciplinary Studies for Cultural Heritage with e-ISSN: 2460-5743 and ISSN 2460-5735 for printed version established in 2015, is an international refereed journal with the main theme is cultural heritage. It is a double-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal, published by Research Institute of Pasundan University, supported by University of Northern Philippines (UNP) and Chonbuk National University (CBNU) Republic of Korea Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań(AaM), University of Derby(United Kingdom) . The scope encompasses the thematic as follows. Social and Humanity Social Work, Sociology, Law, Education, Public Administration, Business Administration, Management, Culture and Art, Anthropology, History, Women Studies, Hospitality and Tourism. Socio Technical Environment, Informatics Engineering, Urban and City Planning, Industrial Technology, Food Technology, and Architectural.
Published: 2024-12-23
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Journal Sampurasun : Interdisciplinary Studies for Cultural Heritage with ISSN: 2460-5743 (e-ISSN) and 2460-5735 (print) is an international refereed e-journal written in English. It is a double-blind peer-reviewed, published in two issues per year (June and December) and scientific journal published by Unpas and Supported by University of Northern Philippines (UNP), Universiti Utara Malaysia, (UUM) Chonbuk National University(CBNU), Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań(AaM), University of Derby(United Kingdom).

The purpose of the journal is to bring a wide spectrum of participants to disseminate research findings of academicians, national and local government units, non-governmental organizations, heritage conservation practitioners and planners, tourism organizations, and the media. Specifically, ISCH intends to discuss and exchange knowledge on preservation and revitalizing culture, values, and  best practices of people in the world. ISCH also caters to recent challenges and opportunities for saving treasured culture and values. Its scope encompasses the thematic as follows:

Social and Humanity

Social Work, Sociology, Law, Education, Public Administration, Business Administration, Communication, International Relation, Management, Culture and Art, Anthropology, History, Women Studies, Hospitality and Tourism.


Environmental Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Urban and City Planning, Industrial Technology and Food Technology.

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