Media Development,Movable Book, Interactive, Healthy Living Culture, Elementary SchoolAbstract
Health is a dream for all human beings. Everyone will compete to achieve the highest degree in achieving optimal health. Optimal health comes from one's self through daily habits. The habituation process that is carried out daily will become a culture that is carried out in everyday life without any coercion. The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the stages of manufacture, quality and feasibility of the mediamovable book interactive for fourth grade elementary school students. This type of research uses development research with the ADDIE development model namely analysis/analysis, design/design, development /development, implementation/ implementation and evaluation / evaluation. Data collection instruments used pre-research interview techniques and questionnaires. The trial design was carried out by validating media experts, material experts, learning experts, and the responses of students and physical education, sports and health (PJOK) teachers. Data analysis techniques from this study used qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data in the form of suggestions and input from expert validation, PJOK student and teacher responses. Quantitative data is in the form of assessment results from expert validation, student responses, and PJOK teachers.The target subjects for implementing the media were fourth grade students and PJOK teachers at SD Negeri 3 Imogiri. Based on the research results obtained the following data. Evaluation by media experts got a score of 91.7 in the "Very Good" category. The validation results by material experts get a score of 93.9 in the "Very Good" category. The validation results by learning experts get a score of 85 in the "Good" category. The results of the media trial showed that the results of student responses scored 96.4 in the "Very Good" category and the PJOK teacher's response scored 98.4 in the "Very Good" category. The final score obtained from the validation expert, the response of PJOK students and teachers got a score of 95 in the "Very Good" category. So it can be concluded that the mediamovable book interactive healthy living culture is very feasible to be used as a learning medium in the PJOK learning process in grade IV elementary schools.Downloads
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