
  • Dyah Lingga Pertiwi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta
  • Lovandri Dwanda Putra Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta



Learning Media, Animation Video, Interactive, Photosynthesis Material, Elementary School


The development of interactive animated video learning media for photosynthesis material is motivated by students who pay less attention to the teacher's explanation, easily feel bored so they often chat with their peers during learning, the low interest in learning of students in following lessons, the use of learning media when conveying photosynthesis material is less varied and it is not easy for students to understand because it only uses book media and worksheets. So this study aims to develop media, determine the quality and feasibility of interactive animated video learning media in learning science for class IV Elementary School. This research is included in the Research and Development (RnD) research method using the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and assessment sheets. The data analysis technique used is qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative data in the form of suggestions and input from expert validation, teacher and student responses. Quantitative data is in the form of assessment results from expert validation, teacher and student responses. The trial design was carried out by validating media experts, material experts, learning experts, teacher responses and student assessments. Based on the validation results, media experts obtained an average score of 95 in the "Very Good" category. Material expert assessment obtained an average score of 92.5 in the "Very Good" category. Assessments from learning experts obtained an average score of 92.5 in the "Very Good" category. Assessment by grade IV teachers obtained an average score of 87.5 in the "Very Good" category and grade IV students' assessments obtained an average score of 97.5 in the "Very Good" category. So it can be concluded that interactive animated video learning media for photosynthesis material for class IV SD is very suitable for use as a learning medium.


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