Discovery Learning, Problem Based Learning, Learning Styles, Mathematical UnderstandingAbstract
The results of the evaluation of the midterm assessment in mathematics at SDN Ciapus 02 and 04 show low mathematical understanding abilities on certain indicators. This indicates that students' mathematical understanding is still low and learning objectives have not been achieved. the effect of applying two learning models, namely Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Discovery Learning (DL), on students' mathematical understanding abilities, as well as comparing differences in mathematical understanding abilities between students with visual and auditory learning styles. VI at SDN Ciapus 02 and 04 also consists of two groups of students with visual and auditory learning styles, each of which is divided into PBL and DL groups. Factorial 2x2. Independent variables include learning models (PBL and DL) and learning styles (Visual Learning Styles). and Auditory Learning Style), while the dependent variable is mathematical understanding (Y). Data analysis used the Mann Whitney Test with SPSS 25. The results of the data analysis showed that there was no difference in the if fish sign between the PBL and DL groups in mathematical understanding abilities. However, the PBL model more effective than the DL model in increasing the mathematical understanding abilities of students with a visual learning style. The DL model is more effective than the PBL model in increasing the mathematical understanding abilities of students with an auditory learning style. Based on these findings, it is suggested to teachers to consider using the PBL model in designing the process of learning mathematics and understanding student learning styles to adapt teaching approaches.Downloads
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