The Influence Of Arts Center-Based Learning Model On Critical Thingking At Ar-Ridho Tangerang Elementary SchoolAbstract
Critical thinking is an ability to reason regularly, systematic abilities in assessing, solving problems, drawing decisions, giving beliefs, analyzing assumptions and scientific search. This research aims to find out that there is no influence of students' critical thinking on senior student centers. This research uses a quantitative approach with experimental research methods (pre-experiment). The research design used in this research is the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The research population and research sample totaled 90 students from class III A to class III C students. The types of instruments used were questionnaires, interviews, documentation. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that the conclusion is 0.000 <0.05, so there is a significant influence of the art center variable (X) on the critical thinking variable (Y). 87.818 > 1.666, so there is a significant influence of the art center variable (X) on the critical thinking variable (Y). Meanwhile, based on the table above, the calculated F is 7711.986 and the F table is 2.346, it can be concluded that the sig value is 0.000 <0.05 or 7711.986 > 2.346, so there is a significant influence of the central variable art (X) simultaneously on the critical thinking variable (Y ). Thus the results of Ho are rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that there is a significant influence between art centers on critical thinkingDownloads
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