
  • Adila Putri Kurnia Sari GKSD Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
  • Mawardi Mawardi GKSD Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana



differentiated learning models, collaboration skills, learning outcomes


Differentiated learning is an action taken by the teacher in the classroom that adapts the learning process to the needs of each student, so that the needs of each child can be met as a whole. One of the main needs of students that needs to be improved in achieving optimal learning outcomes and supporting the learning process in the surrounding environment is the ability to collaborate. The purpose of this study was to find out whether there was an increase in students' collaboration skills using a differentiated learning model. The type of research used is collaborative classroom action research with four stages, namely: planning, action, observation, and reflection. This research was conducted at Gendongan 01 Public Elementary School with research subjects namely all 22 grade II students. Data analysis techniques used percentage, category, and comparison techniques. In the pre-cycle, students' collaboration skills reached 9.09%. After applying differentiated learning, collaboration skills can increase in the first cycle by 40.09% and in the second cycle by 72.71%. The use of differentiated learning models can also improve student learning outcomes, which were originally in the pre-cycle as much as 45.45%, increased to 72.72% in cycle I and cycle II as much as 90.90%. Thus, the differentiated learning model can be applied in learning to improve collaboration skills and student learning outcomes.


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