
  • Septika Sari Hutami PGSD Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
  • Erna Yayuk PGSD Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
  • Yuliana Bintari SD Negeri Gabusbanaran Jombang



The conclusion obtained by the researcher is that in learning that only relies on explanations from the teacher it will make the learning atmosphere less attractive to students. So it is hoped that teaching and learning activities will provide creative and innovative learning media and facilities so that students' interest in learning increases and children's curiosity becomes strong. One of them is by introducing the cultural board concrete learning media. In this study the advice that can be given is that schools should provide facilities to help students and teachers in channeling media innovations in learning, by providing space to develop learning media independently or with media that already has advanced technology because it is in accordance with the independent curriculum where learning is centered for students, teachers are given facilities to broaden their knowledge with knowledge to make the learning atmosphere in the classroom more active and improve learning outcomes, for researchers it is hoped that they can continue this research even better with the same goal in order to get a deeper understanding. From this study the low ability of students' understanding in understanding cultural diversity material was due to the lack of teachers practicing interesting learning models. Grade IV students at SDN Gabusbanaran are the subject of research, observation and documentation are used as research evidence. The success of obtaining the criterion indicator was 85% with a minimum completeness score of 70. A total of 20 children took two tests, namely the pretest and posttest. This test is used as a reference for the success of learning outcomes that have been carried out before introducing learning media and after introducing learning media. The results obtained by children's learning outcomes increased with an average of 87.5 without anyone getting a score below the minimum value.


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