Learning to write words to students is taught in grade one with the aim that students recognize letters to make it easier to learn to read and spell and many students now we see many who cannot write words well at all even though students now get a lot of convenience in obtaining information through various digital tools. Therefore, they are used to seeing and hearing through audio-visual media compared to reading so that this habit makes some students less interested in writing because they are not used to processing information and putting it in writing so that it can make students difficult to write words, especially at MIN 9 Banda Aceh. Therefore, the study wanted to examine the difficulties experienced by students in writing words at MIN 9 Banda Aceh City with the aim of research to determine the difficulties experienced by students in writing words with a qualitative approach to research. So, the results of the research show that students do not have spaces in writing words that cause writing that is not clearly legible and there are also students who still write through the lines of the book and there are still students who write without using punctuation marks so that students write wrong letters and many missed letters in writing.Downloads
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