
  • Dede Indra Setiabudi IAI AL-AZIS Indramayu
  • Imam Sibaweh
  • Ari Ramadhana
  • Ara Hidayat



Strategic Management, Culture Of Excellence, Higher Education, Transformational Leadership, Quality Assurance Systems


Strategic management in higher education plays a critical role in fostering a culture of excellence to address the challenges of globalization and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This study examines the implementation of strategic management at the Institut Agama Islam Al-Zaytun (IAI Al-Zaytun) in building a superior quality culture. Using a qualitative approach and case study method, the research highlights strategic planning, transformational leadership, human resource development, technology utilization, and quality assurance systems as key success factors. Furthermore, the active involvement of stakeholders, including students and alumni, and collaborations with external partners significantly contribute to institutional quality achievements. These findings provide strategic insights for other higher education institutions aiming to develop a culture of excellence. Keywords: strategic management, culture of excellence, higher education, transformational leadership, quality assurance systems.


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