
  • Ignasius Putera Setiahati Pendidikan Dasar Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Asep Supena Pendidikan Dasar Universitas Negeri Jakarta




Physical Activity, Cognitive Abilities, Brain Performance


Basically, it has been recognized by many studies that physical activity has an impact on increasing students' cognitive abilities. Therefore, this research aims to find out more about how the implementation of physical activity in elementary schools affects the brain work and achievement of elementary school students. The type of research in this research is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. This research was carried out at SD Xaverius 9 Palembang. The qualitative design was implemented and carried out on school principals and class 1 teachers and class 4 teachers. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used uses an interactive model with the elements of reducing data, presenting data, and drawing data conclusions. The research results revealed that physical movement plays a very important role in students' cognitive abilities. There are several forms of physical activity that occur at school, such as in physical education subjects, gymnastics carried out in class before starting learning, student play activities during breaks, and some students go to school on foot. The conclusion of this research is that students' physical activity at school can help students improve their brain performance abilities and also encourage improvements in cognitive aspects which will influence student learning outcomes.


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