
  • Ebitiya Fajar Subeqi Universitas PGRI Madiun
  • Vera Dewi Susanti Universitas PGRI Madiun
  • Ayun Rahayu Lestariningsih SMP Negeri 4 Madiun



LKPD, TaRL, Measures of Data Centering


Classroom action research (PTK) has the aim of improving the learning outcomes of data concentration measures for class VIII students by using LKPD based on the TaRL approach. The background of this research is because in observations and interviews so as to obtain information under the absence of LKPD in accordance with the initial abilities of students. This is because the teacher has not implemented an initial assessment so that it has not been able to map the ability of students. The implementation of this research with a spiral model starting from planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The data analysis technique uses the analysis of the completeness of learning outcomes and student activities through comparative description analysis. The results showed that the learning outcomes and activities of students reached more than 75% of the completeness set and with a good category. Cycle I shows the percentage of completeness of student learning outcomes of 38% with an average of 58.13 and 45% learning activities with a poor category. Cycle II experienced an increase in the percentage of completeness of learning outcomes of 69 with an average of 76.82 and learner activity with 60% in the deficient category. In cycle III, there was also an increase in the percentage of completeness of learning outcomes of 81% with an average of 80.57 and student activity of 80% with a good category. Therefore, PTK through the use of LKPD based on the TaRL approach to improve the learning outcomes of data concentration measures for class VIII students of SMP Negeri 4 Madiun is declared successful


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