This research examines the “Merdeka Belajar” initiative as Indonesia's transformative response to the demands of education in an era of disruption, characterized by rapid change, technological innovation and global complexity. Using a systematic literature review method, this study analyzes academic publications, policy reports, and program evaluations from 2019 to 2024, focusing on the implementation, impact, and challenges of “Merdeka Belajar”. Results show that “Merdeka Belajar” represents an educational paradigm shift that integrates Ki Hajar Dewantara's philosophy with contemporary theories. The initiative includes student-centered learning, project-based learning, integration of technology in personalized learning, character development and global citizenship, and strengthening the role of parents and communities. Empirical studies reveal positive impacts on student engagement, academic achievement and work readiness. However, its implementation faces challenges such as teacher readiness, digital infrastructure gaps, and the need for a balance between autonomy and accountability. Issues of AI ethics and the romanticization of local wisdom also arise. In conclusion, “Merdeka Belajar” is a visionary effort to prepare an adaptive and characterful generation, but its success depends on effective implementation and continuous evaluation. This research highlights the importance of holistic and collaborative approaches in revolutionizing education in the era of disruption.Downloads
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