science, the philosophy and the truthAbstract
Scientific truth emerges from the results of scientific research, meaning that a truth cannot possibly emerge without There are stages that must be passed to acquire scientific knowledge. Metaphysically the truth of science rests on the object of science, through research with the support of research methods and facilities then knowledge is obtained. All objects of science is true in itself, because there is no contradiction in inside. Truth and error arise depending on the ability to theorize facts. A building knowledge epistemologically relies on something certain metaphysical assumptions, from these metaphysical assumptions then demand an appropriate method or method to find out the object. Epistemologically correct is the correspondence between what is claimed to be known with actual reality being the object knowledge. The truth lies in the correspondence between subject and object, namely what the subject knows and reality as it is. The philosophy of science is the science that studies ontology, epistemology and axiology. This article offers a descriptive analytical discussion on scientific truth in accordance with the philosophy of science. Truth constitutes the core and the essense of a philosophical inquiry. Since philosophy is to discover and comprehend the truth, a seeker of the truth will therefore find something which is coherent and correspond to facts. The philosophy of science as the basis in seeking the meaning of scientific truth is increasingly important, since science should be functioning through its complicated objects of inquiry which are also related to human behaviors. Further, science should be committed to its human values orientation. It is in this direction that the philosophy of science concerns itself.Downloads
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